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  • dr.rajantajhyaskinclinic@gmail.com
  • Kathmandu, Nepal
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) in Nepal and Costs

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) in Nepal and Costs

It is a cosmetic procedure (eyelid surgery procedure) in which excess skin from the eyelid is removed and a crease is created. It can be done on an individual with a hooded eyelid due to age factor or an individual who doesn’t have a crease on the eyelid.

Also known as Mongolian eyelid surgery or hooded eyelid surgery.
asian Eyelid Surgery Before and After​

1) Who is suitable for surgery?

There are two main factors that play a vital role in blepharoplasty surgery. They are as follows:


In our country Nepal, mainly an individual from a particular ethnicity/race for example Rai, Limbu, Magar, etc usually doesn’t have a crease on the eyelid. They prefer to do blepharoplasty to create a crease on the eyelid aesthetically.

Age factor

As an individual ages, their skin also ages and gradually loses its elasticity. As a result excess skin and fat can gather above the eyelid. This can cause a sagging eyebrow and droopy upper eyelid.


  • Age group (18-70years)
  • Individuals of a certain ethnicity
  • Individuals with no other eye condition
  • No medical illness

Procedure detail

a) How long does the procedure take?

Usually completes this procedure in 45 minutes-1 hours.

b) What happens during the eyelid surgery procedure?

The surgeon cuts along the fold of the eyelid. The surgeon removes some excess skin, muscle, and possibly fat. Then the surgeon closes the cut. In this surgery, a non-absorbable suture is used to stitch the cut part.

c) What happens after the surgery?

Dressing for the area is usually done the next day after the surgery. Since the suture is non-absorbable we remove the suture after 7 days of surgery. The final result can be seen after a month or a month and a half.

d) What is the best age to get eyelid surgery?

Anyone over the age of 18 can get eyelid surgery. However, the best individuals are healthy adults ages 30 and up.

e) How much does eyelid surgery cost?

The cost for this surgery ranges from 35,000-50,000.

f) When to start wearing Makeup?

It depends on the healing process of the skin. Usually, it takes 2-3 weeks to heal the skin after surgery.

eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty surgery)


  • Swelling: Usually it lasts for 7-10 days after the surgery.

  • You can see bleeding on the same day of surgery only.

  • Temporary skin discoloration around the eyes
  • Dry or irritation in the eyes
  • Scarring
  • Uneven eyelid
  • Abnormal folding in or out of eyelid skin
  • Infection

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is a transformative cosmetic procedure that not only enhances the appearance of the eyelids but also addresses functional concerns related to aging. With its ability to create a more youthful and alert look, this surgery is particularly beneficial for individuals with hooded eyelids or those seeking to establish a natural crease. By understanding the suitability criteria, procedure details, and potential complications, individuals in Nepal can make informed decisions about whether eyelid surgery is the right choice for them. If you’re considering this procedure, consult with a qualified professional to explore your options and achieve the best results.

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