• +977 9813903982
  • dr.rajantajhyaskinclinic@gmail.com
  • Kathmandu, Nepal

Ultherapy Facelift: Using the power of sound to treat wrinkles. 

No matter how we all miss our youth, there is nothing sad about aging. We grow wiser in our decisions and thoughtful in our actions. Thus, aging is something that we all need to embrace and celebrate.

However, as the number of candles starts adding up in the birthday cake, there is more adding up of wrinkles in your forehead.

The moment when the first line of aging appear is the best time to visit a skin expert.

With current pollution levels and unhealthy diet practices, the world is a challenging place to stay young and healthy.

And our skin is the first body part to show an impact. The skin dries up, loses elasticity and wrinkles start to appear.

The best way to avoid wrinkles is to stay at the top of your health. The healthier you are, the longer will it take for wrinkles to form.

Reasons Why People Get Wrinkles and Age Quickly than Expected

1. Pessimism/ Anger/ Stress

Happy souls are simply the youngest looking people. Perpetual anger, chronic sadness, and sulking habits can form permanent wrinkles on the face. 

If you are angry and in a bad mood very often, your face can actually develop wrinkles since the facial muscles have spent the most time in that scowled state.

2. Smoking and Drinking

Excessive drinking and smoke drain the necessary nutrients from our bodies. Our skin requires a definite amount of oxygen, collagen, and hydration to look youthful. But unfortunately, drinking and smoking can deprive you of these necessities and add years to your face.

3. High Exposure to Sun

It is said that 90% of aging happens due to the effects of the Sun. You will age quickly if you bask in the afternoon sun rays. The ultraviolet rays from the sun deteriorate protein from the skin and you will lose your youthful appearance. Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat whenever you get in the sun.

4. Cold and Moisture

Spending more time in cold environments leads to the development of wrinkles, thin and dry skin. Cold causes the skin’s natural oils to deplete and lose their elasticity, thus resulting in body and face aging.

5. Poor Diet

There are certain foods that cause you to age faster. A diet high in omega-6 but low in omega-3 is harmful to your body and skin. Omega-3 fats are found in soybean, walnuts, and salmon.

Similarly, trans-fats, artificial ingredients (sodium glutamate, potassium bromated), sugar, and concentrated processed foods are anti-youth friendly. Make sure to avoid them.

6. Being over or underweight

Being too slim or too hefty can add to the premature aging process.

People who are underweight have lesser natural fat that causes the skin to droop down and form wrinkles. On the other hand, overweight people lead an inactive life which is in itself a cause of aging.

7. Poor Lifestyle Choices

No physical workout, use of chemical-stuffed products on the body or face, too much television, and unhealthy diet plans can make us old right in front of our eyes.

Ultherapy/ HIFU Wrinkle and Facelift Solution

HIFU stands for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Device. HIFU is ideal for those looking to avoid needles and surgeries. With this method, you can rather get younger-looking skin without any pain.

This device is a fast-growing technique for a facelift. This method also makes the jawline visible by removing excess far from the chin area.

HIFU, when combined with other procedures, can eradicate serious shagging. It also eradicates neck or nape lifting issues. According to popular health information site Healthline.com, HIFU uses ultrasound energy to encourage the production of collagen, which results in firmer skin.

The visible result takes 3 months to 6 months to appear. Changes are felt by the patients themselves.

What is the cost Ultherapy Facelift in Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

 The cost Ultherapy Facelift in Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal Rs. 5000 to Rs.  25000(1 Hour)